Items of Note: August 2024

2024-08-25T21:42:52-04:00August 15, 2024|Items of Note, Latest News|

Thank you to all those who participated in our National Assembly. Our time together was one of learning, discussion, fellowship, and prayer. We reflected on the theme, “Renewed in the Spirit: Changing Realities in Religious Life.” Our time with one another is a true gift. We differ in a variety

Items of Note: June 2024

2024-08-25T21:40:44-04:00June 13, 2024|Items of Note, Latest News|

As you review Items of Note this month, you will see the many upcoming programs designed by the CMSM team for you, our members. Over the last few years, we have changed and adapted the National Assembly, the Eldercare Summit, and the Safeguarding Ministry Conference to respond more effectively to your needs as

Items of Note: February 2024

2024-03-27T14:01:07-04:00February 15, 2024|Items of Note, Latest News|

Leaders of religious communities need prayer. At first glance, that may seem obvious. Yet, so often, it goes by the wayside amid many challenges and commitments. Lent offers a time to review and reset our prayer life. One thing to consider is spiritual direction. Leaders who engage in regular spiritual

Items of Note: December 2022

2022-12-09T17:13:49-05:00December 9, 2022|Items of Note, Latest News|

As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception today and continue our Advent pilgrimage, we have an opportunity to reflect on what Christ prepared us to do. As religious, we freely gave ourselves to Him. First, though, he invited us. Christ prepared us with His grace, and we responded.

Items of Note: November 2022

2022-11-29T16:09:54-05:00November 29, 2022|Items of Note, Latest News|

Leading a religious community is a daunting task. It is also a blessed one. Being chosen by one’s brothers to lead is a call to spiritual fortitude, patient endurance, compassionate care, and co-responsible decision-making. We may innately or through experience be able to do some of these things well. Ongoing

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