CMSM Eldercare Summit 2023
September 19-20, 2023

Join us for the seventh annual Eldercare Summit, focused on the pastoral accompaniment and practical care of elders. We will gather virtually to listen to experts Dr. Jane Thibault and Br. Mark Knightly, CSC they explore how leaders of institutes and societies can accompany their elder members, providing them with the support to thrive and grow in their elder years. 

The mission of the Eldercare Summit is to support leaders in their decision-making and accompaniment of elder members of their community. Join us for this excellent opportunity to reflect, share, and network about common eldercare issues.


Click on the names below to learn more about our speakers.

Br. Mark Knightly, CSC

Sr Veronica Openibo, SHCJ

Dr. Jane Marie Thibault

Dr. Jane Marie Thibault

Hear a lively and joyous presentation by eldercare expert and gerontologist Dr. Jane Thibault as she explores issues of acceptance, transformation, finding meaning, being creative, and addressing ministry transition, grief and suffering in the third age of religious life. Based in part on interviews with elder male religious, her presentation will focus especially on challenges unique to this demographic.

Br. Mark Knightly, CSC

Br. Mark Knightly, CSC will describe some common behaviors, conditions and situations associated in care and pastoral accompaniment of our religious elders.  Using examples from his interactions over the past twenty years, he will investigate a series of challenges in coordination and service delivery (ministry) with members in later life, and, coupled with these, the skills needed to prevent burnout and enhance relationships with those in care situations, including approaches to working with members on restriction. His presentation will be framed around four specific challenges in eldercare: burnout, or knowing your limits; knowing the potential and limits of medicine for your elders; knowing and structuring the environment of the religious community for elders; and finding ways to ensure you are receiving good feedback from both those in your care and those in leadership of your community.


Tuesday, September 19
  • 1:00 pm – Welcome 
  • 1:15 pm – First Plenary – Dr. Jane Thibault
  • 2:15 pm – Break
  • 2:35 pm  – Second plenary – Dr. Jane Thibault
  • 3:05 pm – Small group discussion
  • 3:35 pm – Large group discussion
Wednesday, September 20
  • 1:00 pm – Welcome
  • 1:15 pm – First plenary – Br. Mark Knightly, CSC
  • 2:15 pm – Break
  • 2:35 pm – Second plenary – Br. Mark Knightly, CSC
  • 3:05 pm – Small group discussion
  • 3:35 pm – Large group discussion


We welcome inquiries from organizations that offer services and programs that meet members’ needs. If you are interested, please send your information, including a link to your website and brief information about the services you provide, to Chris Pierno.